
DRAC project presentation at the RISC-V & OpenPOWER Workshop

The RISC-V & OpenPOWER Workshop is held in conjunction with the International Conference in Supercomputing, ICS 2020, organized by BSC and UPC as a worldwide online event tihis year.

Francesc Moll and Miquel Moretó present an overview of the DRAC project at the RISC-V & OpenPOWER Workshop on 29 June 2020, with a talk titled "Building the Road from Computer Architecture to Silicon at BSC". The workshop, with more than 250 registered attendees, is organized in conjunction with the International Conference on Supercomputing 2020.


The DRAC project, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has a total cost of €4.000.000 of which 2.000.000 (50%) are subsidized.