PhD Theses PhD theses since 2004 Share: PhD Theses PhD theses since 2004 Files Files associated to PhD theses PhD Theses index PhD theses since 2004 Digital Noise spectrum characterization and impact on Mixed-Signal ICs design Energy harvesting from Human Passive Power Architectures for Nano-scale low reliability technologies Strategies for built-in characterization testing and performance monitoring of analogue RF circuits with temperature measurements Nueva técnica de estimación del consumo de potencia a alto nivel de descripción Low Power Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radio Transceiver Design of Frequency Divider with Voltage Controlled Oscillator for 60 GHz Low Power Phase-Locked Loops in 65 nm RF CMOS Prediction of the Impact of Substrate Coupled Switching Noise on Frequency Synthesizers, Using High-Level Analysis and Models Layout Regularity for Design and Manufacturability Design of Reconfigurable RF circuits for Self-Compensation Design of broadband inductor-less RF front-ends with high dynamic range for
Strategies for built-in characterization testing and performance monitoring of analogue RF circuits with temperature measurements
Design of Frequency Divider with Voltage Controlled Oscillator for 60 GHz Low Power Phase-Locked Loops in 65 nm RF CMOS
Prediction of the Impact of Substrate Coupled Switching Noise on Frequency Synthesizers, Using High-Level Analysis and Models